The Reiki principles are a set of guidelines that a Reiki practitioner needs to follow on a daily basis. It is important to realize that these are guidelines , not rules . If you look at the principles and think, 'there is no way I could ever come even close to doing this', it isn't a reason not to become a Reiki practitioner. For one thing, the attunement itself aids in the observance of the principles. For another, this is a way, a path, not a static state. It is a way to strive to live, not a method of achieving perfection.
The principles were adapted by Mikao Usui, rediscoverer of Reiki, from the spiritual principles observed daily by the Meiji Emperor of Japan (r. 1868 - 1912). Proper observation of the principles requires an honest effort to live by the principles.
Just for today.. | |
I will live the attitude of gratitude | |
Just for today.. | |
I will not worry | |
Just for today.. | |
I will not get angry | |
Just for today.. | |
I will improve myself spiritually | |
Just for today.. | |
I will show love and respect for every living thing. |
So what should an observer of these principles do if they get angry in a day, or fail to give proper thanks for that which is? Just note what led to the anger, or the lack of gratitude, and find a new path to avoid the anger, or the lack of gratitude. One must make sure one's mind and one's spirit are aware of the problem; and then let it go . Don't worry about it; that's central to the principles. Worrying about it will get a person into a never ending circle:
Page created and maintained by steward
Last updated: Saturday, May 16, 2009